What are the opening hours of the practice?

The practice is open every weekday in the morning from 9 am to 12:30 pm and in the afternoon from 13:15 pm to 6 pm.

When can we be reached by telephone?

We can be reached by phone continuously between 8 am and 6 pm. Please indicate if it is an urgent case.

How to make an appointment?

You can make an appointment by clicking on the red button ‘MAKE AN APPOINTMENT’ on the home page of this website (you get to this home page by clicking on the little house at the top). This will take you to the online agenda where you can easily book an appointment.

You can see the most available free slots in the online agenda. The ‘slots’ on which someone else has already booked are no longer visible, only the free ones are visible. There are also ‘slots’ that open only at the moment when all other ‘slots’ are taken. For example, just before the weekend, some ‘slots’ will only be opened when all the others are taken.

If you can not or do not arrive on time for a booked appointment, pleade cancel your booking and try to book a later appointment. Maybe I can help someone else who requires urgent care instead of you. You can do the cancelation by yourself in the online agenda or you can call me if you do not succeed in doing so.

Is there also free consultation? 

There is no free consultation. All consultations are by appointment.