About psychologue Ines Blagovic Nyanama

As a licensed professional psychologue, my mission is to help you overcome life’s challenges, achieve personal growth and live a healthier, more fulfilling life. I am therefore fully aware that invoking the help of a psychologist can be a big step, and I want you to know that you are in a safe and welcoming space. I stand ready to offer guidance, support and evidence-based strategies to help you navigate the complexities of your emotional and mental well-being. In my practice, I also believe in a holistic and client-centered approach to psychology. I explicitly believe that each person is unique. I have had the privilege of helping a diverse range of clients in different life situations, and I know that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to mental health and well-being. Therefore, we will work together on what is the best solution for you and find your strengths to get there.

Requests for help and offerings

Counseling normally takes place once a week and can be in Dutch, English or Slovenian. Depending on your needs, we can adjust the number of conversations with the psychologue if necessary. The counseling cycle includes an introductory conversation and a professional conversation as part of the following conversations. The last conversation is followed by an evaluation of the counseling process.

Potential problems for which support may be useful

Stressful life situations (illness, death of loved ones, divorce, bereavement, job loss, etc.)

Dissatisfaction with oneself, low self-esteem

Excessive work pressure and stress

Difficult and conflictual relationships at home, at work, between loved ones

Uncertainty for important decisions (career decisions, direction of own life)

Preparation for childbirth and after childbirth, problems with infertility

Tarifs and reimbursement

Individual therapy (physical or online subject to mutual agreement)

                Session duration: 60 minutes

                Price 65 euros

Couples therapy

                Session duration: 90 minutes

                Price 95 euros

Online sessions must be paid in advance. Payment for physical sessions is always made at the end of the session.
Payments can be made in cash (only for physical sessions) or with bancontact.
As you know, there is a huge demand for psychological help these days. We therefore ask that if a session does not fit, you cancel at least 48 hours in advance via email (inesblagovic@kriekenbos.be). This gives others a chance to reserve a session. If you do not cancel in time, we will have to charge you for the session.

There are differences between health insurances concerning reimbursement or compensation for psychological help. So it is certainly not obvious to just answer this question. On the website vind-een-psycholoog.be you can find a clear overview per health insurance fund. Below is a link (*) to visit the website:

(*) reimbursement psychologue – overview for each health insurance company

Make an appointment